In the beginning is the idea

Range of services

If desired, our range of services already begins with the referral to an advertising agency, which supports you in the optimal planning of your presentation. We advise you individually and accompany you from the application to the necessary building permits, the installation and the subsequent service support of the system. As a rule, you need a building permit to erect or modify an advertising system. Exceptions are regulated in the building codes of the respective countries or in Germany in the respective federal states. We take care of all this for you!

We accompany your project from A - Z

In the further course of the project we take care of the development of the products. Whether advertising system, product presentation, store equipment or advertising medium. In close coordination with you, we first draw our solution approach using the latest EDP technology and an experienced team of engineers – until your requirements are met. The prototype production is followed by a precisely timed rollout with strong logistics and, if required, service partners.